Get This Book: Wool by Hugh Howey

Although the title has been around for a year and a half, Wool by self-published author Hugh Howey, has been getting a lot of press in the past month. Rising popularity and interest in the movie rights by Ridley Scott have propelled Howey into the spotlight.

Wool was first released as a short story in July 2011 but readers quickly began clamoring for more, asking when 'the rest of the story' would be published. As a result, Howey began writing sequels until there were 5 stories in the Wool series, publishing each as an individual e-book and eventually as an omnibus.

Following on the heels of Wool's success, Howey wrote a prequel, Shift (currently available as an eBook) and a Sequel, Dust, which will be available later this year.

In addition to eBooks, print-on-demand paperbacks have been made available through Amazon's Createspace publishing platform.

Simon and Schuster (US) / Century (UK) bought the series and released the hardcover edition of Wool on March 12, 2013 with Shift and Dust, to be released later this year. (Shift will be released in April, and Dust in October).

Signed firsts of Wool are listing for $60 to $150 on
A limited signed & slip-cased edition of 500 was published by Century in the UK. These are currently listing for between $150 and $380.

If you'd like to read a sampling of Wool, Barnes & Noble offers a peek at the first 30 pages. (Click on the "Get a Free Sample" link next to the "Buy Now" button. You'll need the free Nook reader app if you don't already have it.) It takes a little patience to get into the rhythm of Howey's writing, but once there the story will hook you. This is being touted as "The next Hunger Games," and has garnered praise from Wired, Kathy Reichs, and Justin Cronin.

Where you can find signed hardback copies online:

Review: [updated Aug 2013]

I read Wool, and have to say, I had a hard time putting it down.  This is a good book for any Sci-Fi / dystopian fans who like strong female leads.  

The first story sets up the premise and the location (an underground silo), and introduces you to the characters. From there, you begin to work out the mystery of what's really going on in the silo, (from the machinations in the 'down deep' to the IT department at mid-silo, and the viewing deck and cafeteria 'up top.' All of which is connected by one large spiraling stair case (almost a character in itself).  And then there is the mystery of what exactly is outside the silo. Is it a destroyed world with toxic air, or a renewed planet waiting to be inhabited for anyone bold enough to break out of this underground world.

I can see why Ridley Scott liked the story enough to buy the  movie rights.

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